All Sith Lords in Star Wars Canon: A Currently Complete List
There have been a variety of Sith Lords, in both Canon and Legends Star Wars. Though they're all different, we all have our favorites. Here's complete (currently) list of all Sith Lords that have been mentioned or reference in the Star Wars canon.
Holders of the Darth Title:
Darth Sidious
Born Sheev Palpatine on the planet Naboo. Taught by Darth Plagueis. Taught Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, and Darth Vader. The last of the Banite sith, Palpatine brought the Sith’s grand plan to fruition by executing the Jedi and establishing the Galactic Empire. After 23 years of rule, Sidious was betrayed and defeated by Darth Vader. He returned through the use of cloning, but was finally defeated on the Sith planet of Exegol by his Granddaughter Rey. The Emperor was first mentioned in 1977s A New Hope, first seen in 1983s Return of the Jedi, and first identified as Darth Sidious in 1999’s The Phantom Menace
Darth Maul
Born on the planet Dathomir, Maul was taken from the Nightsister mother Talzin and trained as a sith by Darth Sidious.. Maul was mortally wounded by Obi Wan Kenobi during the battle of Naboo, but survived and returned during The Clone Wars. Maul was eventually killed on Tatooine by Obi Wan Kenobi. Maul was first seen in 1999s The Phantom Menace
Darth Tyrannus
Born Dooku of House Serenno on the planet of Serenno, Dooku was initially trained as a Jedi, before abandoning the order in order to rule as Count of Serenno. Some time after leaving the Jedi, Count Dooku came to be apprenticed to Darth Sidious, who used him as the leader for the Separatists during the Clone Wars. He was eventually killed by Anakin Skywalker at the end of the Clone Wars. Dooku became the leader of the seperatist movement during the clone wars, as part of Sidious’ plot to destroy the Jedi. Tyrannus was first seen in 2002’s Attack of the Clones
Darth Vader
Born Anakin Skywalker on the planet Tatooine. Born into Slavery, Anakin was freed by the Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn, and trained as a Jedi Knight by Obi Wan Kenobi. After years of subtle manipulation by the disguised Darth Sidious, Anakin played an instrumental role in the destruction of the Jedi and the establishment of the Empire. Grievously wounded in a battle with his former master, Darth Vader was sealed in a suit of life sustaining armor. Vader eventually returned to the light side thanks to the love of his son Luke Skywalker, who persuaded Vader to sacrifice himself to betray Sidious and destroy the sith. Darth Vader was first seen in 1977’s A New Hope
Darth Plagueis
Darth Plagueis was the Sith Master of Darth Sidious. Sidious used the story of how he betrayed and killed Plagueis as part of his tempting of Darth Vader. Plagueis was initially mentioned in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith, before being heavily expanded on in the 2012 Legends novel Plagueis by James Luceno. Sidious being Plagueis’ apprentice was canonized in the 2014 Novel Tarkin also by James Luceno
Darth Bane
Darth Bane was a dark lord of the sith who created the “Rule of Two”. After the decline and fall of the sith empire, Darth Bane chose to take only one student, rather than recreating an empire. He then created a sequential legacy of the Sith culminating in Darth Sidious. Yoda later encountered his spirit on the planet Korriban/Moraband. Bane was created as part of the background lore for The Phantom Menace, and initially mentioned in the novelization for that film. He was canonized in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season six episode Sacrifice in 2014
Darth Krist-Ov
Darth Krist-Ov is the name of a sith lord who lived before the clone wars. He was featured in a play which was put on, and attended by Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padme Amidala. He was portrayed by a human male with red markings. He was first mentioned in the 2018 Star Wars Adventures issue Intermission: Part 1 written by Elsa Charritier and Pierrick colinet
Darth Wrend
Darth Wrend was an ancient Sith Lord. He was thought dead in battle, before returning to fight the Jedi again. Qui Gon Jinn thought this fulfilled a line of prophecy referring to an “Evil once dead” returning. He was first mentioned in the 2019 novel Master and Apprentice by Claudia Grey
Darth Skyre
Darth Skyre was a mysterious Sith Lord who appeared to Count Dooku in a premonition. She foresaw the return of the sith. It is unknown whether she was real, and her spirit was speaking to Dooku, or if she was a fiction of Dooku’s vision. She first appeared in the 2019 audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott, and was identified by name in the script of the same.
Darth Krall
Darth Krall was once a Jedi by the name of Radaki. He turned to the dark side, and became Darth Krall. He was said to have won the battle of wasted years and “tamed the nightmare conjunction”. His lightsaber was in the Bogan collection in the Jedi Archives. He was first mentioned in the audio drama 2019 Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott
Darth Atrius
Darth Atrius was an ancient Sith Lord who created two crossguard lightsabers. His lightsabers could induce rage in the holders. Both sabers were eventually destroyed by Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. He was first mentioned in the 4th annual issue of the Star Wars comic series, written by Cullen Bunn
Darth Caldoth
Dath Caldoth was a Duros sith lord. He composed The Bestiary of Darth Caldoth. According to legend he also trained the apprentice Ry Nymbis, and when Ry Nymbis tried to betray him, Caldoth turned Nymbis to stone. Caldoth was created by George Mann for the 2019 novel Myths and Fables, but was first mentioned in the 2019 audio Drama Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott
Exegol Statues:
Felkor was an ancient sith lord whose statue was carved into the walls of the Exegol citadel. They were created for and first mentioned in the 2020 Junior novel adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker
Locphet was an ancient sith lord whose statue was carved into the walls of the Exegol citadel. They were created for and first mentioned in the 2020 Junior novel adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker
Mindran was an ancient sith lord whose statue was carved into the walls of the Exegol citadel. They were created for and first mentioned in the 2020 Junior novel adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker
Sadow was an ancient sith lord whose statue was carved into the walls of the Exegol citadel. The Sadow escarpment was also named for this Sith Lord. In legends, the sith lord Naga Sadow was a sith pureblood who ruled the sith empire during the great hyperspace war. He was first mentioned in the 1993 comic Tales of the Jedi. He first appeared in Tales of the Jedi Dark Lords of the Sith, Published in 1994. He was canonized by the Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary released in 2020.
Sissiri was an ancient sith lord whose statue was carved into the walls of the Exegol citadel. They were created for and first mentioned in the 2020 Junior novel adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker
Sith Trooper Legion Namesakes:
Revan is an ancient Sith lord whose name adorned a Sith Trooper legion during the battle of Exegol. In legends, Darth Revan was a former jedi who turned to the dark side following the Mandalorian wars. He was defeated, and his memory wiped. He turned back to the light side and defeated his apprentice Malak after his memory had been returned. He was initially introduced in the 2003 video game Knights of the Old Republic, and canonized in the 2019 Rise of Skywalker visual dictionary.
Andeddu was an ancient sith whose name adorned a Sith Trooper Legion during the battle of Exegol. In Legends, Darth Andeddu was an ancient Sith who was thought to originate the Darth title. He ruled the planet Prakith, and perfected the technique of essence transfer to maintain his spirit after death. He was created for the 2004 comic Republic: Striking from the Shadows written by John Ostrander, and canonized in 2019’s Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle written by Cavan Scott.
Tanis was an ancient Sith Lord who created a massive super weapon on the planet Malachor. The holocron which powered the super weapon contained a female entity known as “The Presence”, who was likely Tanis. She also gave her name to a Sith Trooper legion serving at the Battle of Exegol. Tanis was first heard as “The Presence” in the 2016 Star Wars Rebels episode Twilight of the Apprentice. She was first identified as Darth Tanis in the 2019 Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary
Tenebrous was an ancient sith whose name adorned a Sith Trooper Legion during the battle of Exegol. In legends, Darth Tenebrous was Darth Plagueis’ sith master. He was killed by Darth Plagueis and his sould was trapped in an unending time loop. He first appeared in the 2011 short story The Tenebrous Way by Matthew Stover. He was canonized in the 2019 Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary.
Phobos was an ancient sith whose name adorned a Sith Trooper Legion during the battle of Exegol. In legends, Darth Phobos was a sith lord who appeared in a force vision to Darth Vader’s sith apprentice Galen Marek. She was created for the 2008 Video Game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and canonized in the 2019 Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary.
Desolus was an ancient sith whose name adorned a Sith Trooper Legion during the battle of Exegol. In legends, Darth Desolus was a sith lord who appeared in a force vision to Darth Vader’s sith apprentice Galen Marek. He was created for the 2008 Video Game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and canonized in the 2019 Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary.
Lord Momin
Lord Momin was a Sith Sculptor and artist. He sought to create an art piece which would please the dark side by freezing a planet at the moment of its destruction. However, the Jedi destroyed Momin’s ship and killed him before he could finish his work. Despite his death, his spirit survived in his mask, which allowed him to possess the body of anyone who wore it. Through his helmet, he designed Darth Vader’s castle on Mustafar, and used it to return to life, before being killed again by Darth Vader. Momin was first mentioned in the 2015 Lando comic miniseries written by Charles Soule, and first appeared in 2017 comic Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith also written by soule.
Lady Shaa
Lady Shaa was the sith apprentice to Lord Momin. She was eventually killed by Momin, as Momin refused to be considered an apprentice. Lady Shaa first appeared in the 2017 Comic Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith written by Charles Soule.
Ry Nymbis
According to legend, Ry Nymbis was a Twi’Lek Sith Apprentice to Darth Caldoth. Caldoth took him from his home on Ryloth, and abandoned him to a gladiator pit. Caldoth eventually returned for his apprentice, and trained him in the ways of the sith. Nymbis attempted to betray Caldoth and turn him to stone on Moraband/Korriban, but Caldoth turned the spell on Nymbis, turning him to stone. Nymbis’ statue remains on Moraband/Korriban. Nymbis was created for the 2019 book Star Wars: Myths and Fables by George Mann
Kashyun was a Dowutin sith lord who led his own Sith Sect, and forged the Sword of Kashyun. His tomb was on Korriban, where his sword was buried with him. Kashyun was created for the 2019 comic series Star Wars: Galaxies Edge written by Ethan Sacks
Exim Panshard
Viceroy Exim Panshard was a sith lord who forged a mask out of meteoric metal. He had a hundred innocents killed for his pleasure, and the mask was said to contain the screams of those individuals. Exim Panshard was first referenced in the 2017 novel Aftermath: Empire’s End written by Chuck Wendig
Exar Kun
Exar Kun was an ancient Sith lord who was written about in the “Qel Droma Epics”, and is credited with originating the double bladed lightsaber. In Legends, Exar Kun was a fallen Jedi who discovered the secrets of sith sorcery, and taught fellow Jedi Ulic Qel Droma, becoming Sith Lords. Exar Kun was created for the 1994 comic series Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith by Tom Veitch. He was canonized by the 2019 rpg sourcebook Gadgets and Gear
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