A Brief Cultural History of the Mandalorians
Hello and good to see you all again, its been a while. I've been a bit busy what with, well, *gestures broadly at everything*. I probably won't be hitting anywhere near what had been my intention of weekly posts, as I've found that that sort of pressure is difficult. So for now I'll just post when I have something interesting to say or I'm inspired to write. But today, I'm very inspired, and in my excitement for season 2 of the Mandalorian, I figured I would share a brief overview of the history of the Mandalorians in canon. What we know, what puzzle pieces have yet to be provided, and what the narrative I think our limited amount of information might point to. I'll try to keep a solid division between what we know to be true from canon about Mandalorian History and Culture, and the overarching historical narrative that those individual snippets point to. A lot of this will be conjecture, but if I'm doing my job it's well substantiated conjecture. W...